Get A New Roof Without Disrupting Your Business
Cincinnati Commercial Contracting has the best solution for commercial facilities that need a new metal roof but cannot stop their own production. Reroof is a metal over metal “skin” that goes over the old, malfunctioning roof.
Most metal roofing repairs are temporary solutions at high costs both in terms of money and time. Our reroof and retrofit roof system is a long-term solution to common roofing issues, offering uncompromising coverage and support that is both practical and cost-efficient.
In most instances, our reroof and retrofit roof systems can be installed directly on top of your existing roof to allow business to operate as usual—you won’t lose production time or productivity. And with a variety of colors and options, we offer more flexibility and support from start to finish.
Reroof provides uncompromising coverage and support that is both practical and cost effective. CCC is a proud local single-source provider for Butler Manufacturing Company, the manufacturer of reroof.